Ok, new problems. When running tests
Ok, new problems. When running tests against a durable object I'm getting
Failed to pop isolated storage stack frame in...
I was able to resolve it without RPC by following the error found in this thread: https://discord.com/channels/595317990191398933/1218150105777963101/1227337525484326933
But it seems like it's causing issues regardless in RPC1 Reply
Repro: https://github.com/its-jman/workers-types-repro
Ok, workaround found..
1. The methods have to be called in
2. But this doesn't correctly infer the type of the object so you have to manually assert it. (inst: Manager) => ...
3. But, manually asserting it fails to be properly typed if the durable object doesn't have a fetch handler, so just add a blank fetch handler and you're good