Looking for similar pants!
Hello i'm curious where i can find similar pants to these, not sure where they are from but i like the design and especially the faded light grey color of them.
10 Replies
Those look like off-white Carhartt double knee trousers
Carhartt WIP Double Knee Pant | Carhartt WIP
Carhartt WIP Double Knee Pant | Work - Wax rinsed / Weiß, weite Passform | online kaufen, schnelle Lieferung ➤ versandkostenfrei bestellen
Hmmm true the pant looks similar i also noticed but the tone is off
Could it be a faded/bleached black pair?
I think they're bleached / very washed denim
I think it was their regular sand coloured one, cos the stitching is orange
Got a link to those? or someone selling maybe, can't find em myself
it’s what most people associate with carhartt; it‘s the standard colour
don't really see that color anywhere
brother what is that site 😭