DNS Settings for Redirect
Hey guys, im trying to setup a URL redirect via Cloudflare as I just transfered my domain from Google Domains. Heres my current DNS setup, but im getting an error of too many redirects

10 Replies
and this is my current page rule

jarzynowski.com works fine for me

www times out though, missing a redirect on that
should I add a page rule for www?
I would yea, could just do the same, just in case someone visits there. You've already got the dns record for it
sounds good, let me try it
also, I was having trouble adding a subdomain
id like the url, say for example go.jarzynowski.com/in to redirect to my linkedin
yeah www works now

you'd have to create a dns record for it, ex:
then a redirect rule or page rulethanks!
does it matter what the IP is set to, I just set to the default
CF recomends either:
In the case a placeholder address is needed for “originless” setups, use the IPv6 reserved address 100:: or the IPv4 reserved address in your Cloudflare DNS to create a proxied DNS record that can use Cloudflare Redirect Rules, Page Rules, or Cloudflare Workers.https://developers.cloudflare.com/dns/troubleshooting/faq/#what-ip-should-i-use-for-parked-domain--redirect-only--originless-setup The main idea is just to not actually route the traffic anywhere if your rule breaks. I prefer 100:: because it's specifically designated to be a "blackhole"/discard all traffic going into it of course, doesn't matter if it's A or AAAA when it's proxied as CF responds to both A/AAAA queries with their own Proxy IPs