Reset all settings to default

Good evening dear support, please I need your assistance by resetting all the setting I have made to the default settings except my DNS settings thanks
4 Replies
Chaika11mo ago
You'd have to delete it from your dashboard and wait 7 days before adding it back:, and naturally that would include DNS records/settings too. There's no reset button other then that. What are you having issues with? Shouldn't need to reset everything
GistaHubOP11mo ago
Okay thanks for the response, I am just trying a means of fixing an error I got from my host. Everytime I placed an ads code on my forum e.g propeller it shows bailout malware detected, I have been using the propeller ad code even on the website but I removed it when I want to try Google adsense but I can remember I enable some settings on my Cloudflare so I was thinking those settings I enable night be the cause of the error because I have tried some means and it's still not resolved
Chaika11mo ago
Editing File With File Manager Fails With "ERROR:BAILOUT Malware De...
Symptoms Occasionally, you might run into a situation when editing or saving a file with cPanel's File Manager interface fails with the "ERROR:BAILOUT Malware Detected" error. You might also see th...
Chaika11mo ago
if you're using managed webhosting would contact them, or try one of the workarounds yourself

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