Hey, I am trying to setup a cname with cloudflare pointing to Tebex. Tebex are saying the issue is my end most likely with CNAME flattening but this I belive is off. I have tried disabling cloudflare from my Panel - the error still persists - the error I am getting is Cloudflare CNAME Cross-User Banned.

20 Replies
Tebex uses Cloudflare, sounds like they're using CF for SaaS and haven't done the configuration for your site correctly

They seam certian its on cloudflare end
What is "we use this tool"? and what is your actual custom domain? its this
and the domain is
that tool does not check the connection to "your remote server". That tool shows the cname fine too
I would get rid of your custom error page as it may be confusing them
I can't I no longer have cloudflare pro - so cant turn them off
The hostname is part of a banned domain. This web property cannot be added to Cloudflare at this time. If you are an Enterprise customer, please contact your Customer Success Manager. Otherwise, please email [email protected] with the name of the web property and a detailed explanation of your association with this web property.funny that they couldn't see that on their end Do you have any unpaid invoices?

Do you have any other domains in your account?

Well your zone has
The hostname is part of a banned domain. This web property cannot be added to Cloudflare at this time. If you are an Enterprise customer, please contact your Customer Success Manager. Otherwise, please email [email protected] with the name of the web property and a detailed explanation of your association with this web property.I cannot see anything about the cause, account-wide/domain specific. It's probably related to:, you could create a billing ticket about it (assuming it is that) or email abusereply, and eitherway they'd redirect you if needed That is what would stop Tebex as well since they use CF for SaaS and its blocked by any domain bans like that
Is it my side thats banned then or Tebex side?
on Cloudflare's side
Tebex uses CF
(it is silly they couldn't tell you that themselves when if they bothered to look at all, it would tell them exactly that issue)
Thanks for your help. Ive send an email to the abuse email. How did u find the error may I ask?
by attempting to add that same custom domain to my account under CF for SaaS, it'll show the error before it lets you do anything
same way Tebex could see the error
Ah, wish it showed me the error when I added it - would have saved a lot of time
Tebex def could, the API would return it
they just evidently haven't bothered to