C#11mo ago

How to read this type of documentation?

Hi! Once again in my life I have come across such documentation. How to decode it? Do you have any tutorials or advice on how to go about it? I've usually managed to get examples etc., but this time I have to get on with it myself from scratch. I usually work with APIs where the methods and fields are manually described, here everything is probably generated automatically and I can't find my way around it
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2 Replies
SpReeD11mo ago
Tho it lacks summaries of the methods, it's still pretty straight forward and the methods are named correctly. There's nothing to decode or encoded there. It's an old fashioned Helpfile using the good old VB symbols for routines etc.
Jimmacle11mo ago
looks like they generated a help file without putting any actual documentation in it so it's just a list of types and members

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