ReactJS (Tailwind CSS)

I'm trying to work on a modal message. I want to send to my body web page with two conditions, one for the on the success and one on the error. Is possible to render a full component inside the function promise? As additional info I'm using EmailJS for sending the request
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5 Replies
CHUIS✩OP10mo ago
This is my component:
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CHUIS✩OP10mo ago
I'm still learning react 😅
missymae10mo ago
When you handle the success and error, you can set a usestate boolean, and conditionally render the content or children in your modal body. Something like
{!error ? modalTextSuccess : error ? modalTextError : ""}
{!error ? modalTextSuccess : error ? modalTextError : ""}
CHUIS✩OP10mo ago
Is it possible to render a component within a function on a ternary operator
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missymae10mo ago
someone can correct if I'm wrong, but react components should be 'pure functions' and synchronous, not render async or in promises. IDK if you're using a UI library - usually a Modal has a boolean prop like isOpen. A modal can use a css class to toggle display: none or block, for example. in the EmailForm I would suggest a [openModal, setOpenModal] useState(false), or something like that (the setter part of a useState should use the same name as the first part, btw, so [onError, setOnError] for example), and take isOpen as a prop in your Modal component. I assume you want the modal to pop up when it knows which text to display. So you can have the <Modal> in the return of your EmailForm, and set if it's displayed, and what message with a useState. It can be done with 1 variable, but I would use a second like [error, setError] = useState(null) that will decide which message to display return ( <Modal isOpen={openModal} modalMessage={!error ? modalTextSuccess : error ? modalTextError : ""} /> ... rest of form You'll also want a method for closing the modal

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