K-Electron Capture
i was doing nuclear chemistry and when studying about k - electron capture i wondered where does that electron go? inside the nucleus? but thats not possible right?
12 Replies
it does go inside the nucleus in a way
its not possible, if it does then the velocity of that electron would be more than velocity of light acc to uncertanity principle
Andrey K
Electron Capture
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is this alright @uhm?!? ? shall we mark this one as solved?
not entirely
what i have found out is that electron goes inside the nuclues reacts with one of a proton & forms a nuetron
but read somewhere else that it cannot go inside the nucleus because there is not enough energy , and even if it goes inside the nuclues then the speed of that electron will be more than speed of light (acc to uncertanity principle) & yet again thats not possible (or maybe is it possible🤷‍♂️)
looks like the case is neither white or black but grey :/

true, even i know that they wont ask questions like these in exams & was just curious about this stuff so posted it here
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