Get a Generic "Unknown Error Occurred" when trying to deploy a Gatsby site to Cloudflare pages
I've had no issues deploying sites in the past, but now I am getting a generic "An unknown error occured. Contact your account team or Cloudflare support" with error code
when trying to deploy a new Gatsby static site. I am trying to deploy via the Github integration, and have already tried to remove the CF Pages app from github and re-add it, but that didn't help anything.
Account ID: b1033dd8128d617f975d2fb00423ff15
3 Replies
I'm getting the same error when trying to deploy a new site with SvelteKit.
yea there's def internal issues right now, lots of api errors. Hopefully status page soon. Sadly they're usually a bit slow from internally recognizing issues to public status pages/incidents being posted
status page to follow: