26 Replies
how can i do something when i still dont put anything in my input the button be invisibel and when i put value in input button pop on ?
<button>Button Text</button>
im not talking about thath
You want the button to always be visible?
when i enter a vlue
get visibel
and when no value in it
get disbel
u know what i mean now?
@NIMA the problems you had these couple of days were pretty simple, I suggest you to start from a html tutorial, then watch one of css and one of js, so you'll have better basics overall, and you'll be able to fix most problems by yourself
it was this
this is not my yestday problem ? !
tnx so much
my only problem is in js not html css and cuse im start learning js in 4 day
Then you probably would have known that you could have done it with css
yes but i want do thath with js
most of thing can do with css too but im i want try java script to learn it fully
not work in my code
i do this with if and else and i got this problem
qpq.style.visibility = length === 0 ? 'hidden' : 'visible'
not work
it was for lengthonkey()
what is lengthonkey() in end mean?
it calls the function
2 times?
so what on click do ?
its gonna call him
there is no onclick
thats why
there's a keyup, which is basically the same thing, it still calls the function
so if keyup do thath why it need recalls
but you have to call the function when the page loads because you have to hide the button first
I'd recommend reading something like https://javascript.info, it will explain javascript in great detail, starting from the very basics
ok tnx
'hidden' : 'visible' hidden is first one right? i mean when website load it gonna read hidden first? thaths why funcshen gonna hide it?
condition ? a : b
So, if is empty, hide itok i undestand tnx for help
this is correct too ? i get the same asnwer but i want to know is this good thing to wright like this or no
yeah it's fine
@NIMA next time you make a post, please give it a well-thought out title. "New Bug" is very generic and not helpful for anyone reading it.
Please remember that this forum is not only for you to get assistance but for others who might have the same issues can easily find existing solutions.
aright sorry š