Cloudflare Tunnel not working properly
I created this tunnel and then setup the Public hostnames as seen in the image.
When I access annatar.<dns>.com it throws a DNS error saying domain not found. The CNAME records appear in the cloudflare dashboard and the cloudflared tunnel container logs indicate that the configuration is being received by the container. Already tried with container IP and still the same thing. What am I missing?

15 Replies
t throws a DNS error saying domain not foundWhat does it say exactly? Can you share the domain name? DNS stuff can have a lot of causes/the generic nxdomain is very vague most likely, There's either something wrong with your domain, or its just dns caching
lemme check something
this domaing might not be paid
jesus christ im noob in this
RE-REGIstered the domain and is working now
nice, at least it was something simple

gotta give it a sec to issue ssl

Oh i see i've added these like 15 mins ago
but i am on the free tier acc
you have Universal SSL enabled right? At the bottom of that tab
perhaps takes longer

I disabled and enabled it and it issued a certificate right now
you could try disabling for a min or two, and then re-enabling, to try to give it a kick. Otherwise it might just be a factor of time, although I believe usually it creates those sooner
it should have eventually catch-up but that works too
now just gotta give it sometime to issue the cert. It might be a second since the domain is brand new/still propagating
nice thanks for the help
will leave it to do the thing and check later
thank you very ych!
looks like its issued now and working
thank you