✅ Design Question: Hangfire as an event bus?
Hi I have a design question.
I've come across a lot of implementations of Hangfire as a Service Bus in my scrawl through the internet.
I've personally used Hangfire more as a standalone scheduled job processor, or something that consumes events from a service bus. The concept of using Hangfire to event queue everything seems strange to me.
My Question: Is Hangfire as a service bus an actual good practice, and if so what are the pros and cons of using it?
5 Replies
Unknown User•11mo ago
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To clarify, I'm not planning on using Hangfire in this fashion, this was more a general question. Here's one of the more popular articles I've seen written for it: https://gwerren.com/Blog/Posts/hangfireAsAServiceBus
Unknown User•11mo ago
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Gotcha, I was confused as well. Doesn't seem to be a common practice
Unknown User•11mo ago
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