FlareUtils Types Bug

/// <reference types="@cloudflare/workers-types" /> and ^ this works
10 Replies
Hello, I’m Allie!
Hey @bun, just saw your issue, and added a comment
bunOP11mo ago
tsconfig.compilerOptions.types whats this exactly? it will inherit the owner's tsconfig ?
Hello, I’m Allie!
It basically includes the types that workers-types exports in the project. What I can do instead is manually import types across the project, which should™️ fix the issue, while allowing me to still use experimental
bunOP11mo ago
why would you want to use experimental though on a library?
Hello, I’m Allie!
IIRC there are some types that are only in experimental? The idea is just though that the types, whether experimental or not, should not leak out into your project If I don't add it to types, then it shouldn't affect your project at all
bunOP11mo ago
ok sure if that works, i'm not actually sure what is the right approach to this
Hello, I’m Allie!
Unless the signatures of what my functions/classes require don't match what yours are But that is where I should push an update
bunOP11mo ago
should i close the PR ? @HardlyWorkin'
Hello, I’m Allie!
I'll keep it open as a reminder for myself/as a solution if what I'm thinking about doesn't work. Also, thanks for pointing this out! @bun, can you try with [email protected]? Went with your way, because the other was too complex...
bunOP11mo ago
I was using a fork with that patch for 2 days now its working fine

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