34 Replies
@jidat can u help
Is it stuck on the loading screen?
no it just doesnt open
when i click it on my desktop
Open riot clieng
that doesnt work
Try opening through there
The play button becomes pink after u click play?
no riot client edoesnt even open either
Open ur valorant folder then shootergame/binaries/win64 then open valorant win64 shipping
go to
I will be back in like 20 mins
Got some work
try this first if u go to task manager
search valorant
and end task if it says its still on
and just reopen it after
i alreadyd did that
ts never works

i alfeady did thatttttt
did u
oh wait
valorant sometimes glitches
try going onto
riot games
and from their
re sign in
so log out and sign in again
i tried opening riot client
it didnt even open too
run as administrator
and try opening it again
did that
i already did the simple stuff
has this ever happened?
then jidat helpos
but he cant rn
cus valorant servers are really buggy right now
if its a system problem
im not sure anymore
every few weeks it js never opens

wtf it opened
did u try
oh nicee
ye i duid that
i js did what jidat said last time i looked back
its cus my game files under compatibility some things were checked so i unchecked it
thanks chat!
does any1 know how to fix geforce epxerience 0x0003 error code
Yeah thought so
Its always that for most people