🧭 Simple Server Complete

🧭 Simple Server Complete The "Simple Server Complete" package provides a robust, natively programmed server for HTTP, REST and WebSocket that enables seamless data exchange with external tools and programes. 🏁 How can this asset help me?
Simple Server Complete offers assets for smooth incorporation of various server-side web technologies. The Simple HTTP and REST Server provides a potent yet lightweight solution for managing diverse HTTP and REST requests. Additionally, the Simple WebSocket Server simplifies real-time data exchange through an intuitive approach to WebSocket handling.
Simple Server Complete | Utilities Tools | Unity Asset Store
Use the Simple Server Complete from Shadow Grove Games on your next project. Find this utility tool & more on the Unity Asset Store.
1 Reply
Luzifix2mo ago
Version 1.1 Changelog
- Update "Simple HTTP and REST Server" to version 1.6 - Update "Simple WebSocket Server" to version 1.1
https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/utilities/simple-server-complete-274616?utm_source=discord Version 1.2 Changelog
- Update "Simple HTTP and REST Server" to version 1.7