Leptos SSR app

Has anyone tried to run a leptos SSR app from a worker or from pages? It seems easy enough to run the server side code from a worker but how do you include static files like css?
13 Replies
avsaase6mo ago
Pages also support wasm on the server but there's no native rust support so it would probably require quite some work to set up.
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Unknown User6mo ago
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avsaase6mo ago
Clever, but sounds a bit inconvenient. There's also worker sites but it looks deprecated. Workers, pages, functions, sites. The product lineup is getting a little confusing.
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Unknown User6mo ago
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avsaase6mo ago
Makes sense. They're all static hosting and/or serverless compute.
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Unknown User6mo ago
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avsaase6mo ago
I'll have to check how that works with tailwind and cargo leptos. I found one example that uses kv to store the files.
dakom6mo ago
I'm using Dominator for frontend (on pages)... SPA though, no SSR (i.e. it just deploys to pages as any other static site, no dynamic serverside html etc.)
avsaase6mo ago
I wanted to give leptos server functions a try At work we use remix and I really dislike that everything get converted to json when passing data to the client. Leptos seems to have found a nice solution to that.
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Unknown User6mo ago
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avsaase6mo ago
Do you incur additional latency that way?
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Unknown User6mo ago
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avsaase6mo ago
GitHub - DylanRJohnston/leptos-cloudflare-example: Example of getti...
Example of getting Leptos SSR working with Cloudflare Pages - DylanRJohnston/leptos-cloudflare-example
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