Perma ban
I got permanent suspension for no reason, I didn't even played on that whole day I only play league and then when I opened valorant it is now suspended
32 Replies
me too, I write to support and wait for answer
The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at for official support.
make a ticket explaing your situation
if the ticket gets closed without an answer dont make a new one
it means that they have decided to not unban you
usally its within 5 days

i need a help
@Jeju @lyra @ADLYTAM
with what?
I had a perm ban
only support
go to riot support
explain your problem
i don't know other way
and hope they unban you
support is the only way
Im so stressed
so much thx bra...
i mean babe
im just kidding sis
dont get me wrong babe
its okay you just need to wait, remember its just a video game
yep I know
btw i should also mention
when you get a perm ban your account is deleted (unless you get unbanned within ~30days)
so if you get unbanned you will need to make a frash account
sorry to inform you about that
it's ok, it is their horribly rules
is it true? van 152 only last 4months then I can get my acc back?
I think yes
not your account but yes
only if it's the first van152 you get tho
if it's your second it's perm
you either have cheats for another game, malicious files, or stuff like crosshair x and third party fps advantages and got banned for it. TOS states no third party systems so thats your own fault
Vanguard detected something in your kernals that wasnt supposed to be there and or a program that is blacklisted and got you banned
no i didnt use anything
razer synapse can also get you banned soo
It's my first
Idk why people buy razer when Logitech is so much better and it’s ghub and all the software and hardware is white listed
razer have very good stuff