Successful deploy via Wrangler but error in console

I'm trying to make changes to an existing site The deploy works fine via wrangler. ─(12:22:23)──> npx wrangler pages deploy . 130 ↵ ──(Thu,Apr04)─┘ ✨ Compiled Worker successfully 🌍 Uploading... (22/22) ✨ Success! Uploaded 1 files (21 already uploaded) (1.59 sec) ✨ Uploading Functions bundle ✨ Deployment complete! Take a peek over at But the status is showing as failed on the web for that deployment and it doesnt work. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Efficiency Maximization Agency
We are Digital All The Way An A.I. Automation Agency that helps companies maximize, optimize, and increase their efficiency.
8 Replies
Walshy12mo ago
Let me get the team to check why
Omnipresent Zay
Omnipresent ZayOP12mo ago
Nolan12mo ago
Hey there! Looks like a edge_deployment_failed error.
deploy_worker_failed:Uncaught ReferenceError: context is not defined at functionsWorker-0.6301163645694865.js:950:27
deploy_worker_failed:Uncaught ReferenceError: context is not defined at functionsWorker-0.6301163645694865.js:950:27
Omnipresent Zay
Omnipresent ZayOP12mo ago
Is this an error on my end or yours?
Nolan12mo ago
I do believe it would be on your end but if you run into further issues with it let us know
Omnipresent Zay
Omnipresent ZayOP12mo ago
Talked with my dev and this appears to be an issue on your side. The only function being used is a middleware for mailchannels. There is also no file with the the name 'functionsWorker-0.6301163645694865.js'. Could you please take another look at this and provide more guidance if possible?
Walshy12mo ago
Yes this is your end The file name is just the bundled functions directory You're attempting to use the context variable but it isn't defined (probably not passed through or named something else in the request handler) If you can share full code we can help more
Omnipresent Zay
Omnipresent ZayOP12mo ago
Can I send you a zip of the directory?

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