Medal clips for media share in discord
Would be possible to allow medal links in the discord media channel to share clips :PeepoBlushyTips:
42 Replies
I’ll let you know once I’ve whitelisted it 🙂
Not at my pc at the moment
:Poggers: Thank you!
apologies for the delay but it's done now
let me know if there are any issues
Lol no worries I was memein. I'm at work rn so I'll let you know when I'm off it works
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Day 5: Still can't post my medal clips :peepoCry:
Day 8: still cant sellout my medal clips :peepoCry:
It should be fine now no?
Nex fixed it a few days ago
Lemme hop on my pc and try again rq
nope it hates me
Is it still saying this?
Or something else
It’ll be fixed as soon as possible, we were under the impression that it was fixed already
ur all good i appreciate y'all and am not very worried about it
(I know the server is being a pain lately so that's probably why yall haven't gotten to it still) day 13 still can't sell out my medal clips :Prayge:
it should be fixed now
— Today at 2:03 PM
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Please provide an image or YouTube link (depending on the channel type) with your message next time!
Im actually laughing so hard rn wtf
u trollin me or legit is it just keep bustin
So annoying man
Nex isn’t home until next week, I’ll remind him to get it fixed when he’s home. (He assumed that he did fix it) but for some reason it’s still doing that :despair:
:notlikethis: Ight no worries ty for keepin me updated
ur not gunna like what i got to say :SmileyStare:
We still out here
@nex please fix
:Prayge: pretty please nex
— Today at 10:32 PM
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Please provide an image or YouTube link (depending on the channel type) with your message next time!
Still the same thing
should be fine @Yuno
tested your link as well as a link that beanie sent and they both worked fine
what else are you sending with the message? any screenshots or attachments?
literally nothing but the link
lemme try again rq
did it again man i legit dunno
it's just the link of my most recent post
that's it
I see
give me a moment
thanks my dude :peepoHappy:
give it another go @Yuno
one moment
give it another go @Yuno
ima cry
on jaw
and again @Yuno
Negitive ghost rider
and again
we'll get there eventually
i got today and tomorrow off so i got the time :KEKW:
ALSO dont feel bad if u do, even tho is day 25 i legit am the most chill person alive and none of this is at all serious or bothering me, i do wanna be able to post clips eventually though :LUL:
But i think it's hilarious that this lil thing is such a sturggle for no good reason
way of the road
damn u posted it like 40 times
just built dif :PogYou:
what a weird issue
are u changing my specific role or giving me a role with specific priv so u dont mess with the server perms?
hasn't pulled yet
Oh my bad Xd

try now
Thanks man sorry was such a pain while u had more major issues goin on lmfao
all good, just took a while due to the complexity of the logic
I've simplified it and made it more reliable now
glad i could be a test pig for the future
Have a great night/morning my man :Poggers: u to ney
you too 🙂