Account Compromised
I've clicked a long time ago on a link and got an e-mail mentioning my e-mail got changed. Since that I could'nt log onto this account.

11 Replies
I already used the tool to restore my val account but it didnt change anything; I've got a lot of proof of like receipts, also an email of the creation of the account
The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at for official support.
Make a ticket with riot.
I'm doing it right now but sometimes i cant answer questions right completely
I‘ve got an answer but honestly i still dont have my acc

Try replying to that email. they asked for more info.
Or make another ticket, They mistake you that they think you recovered the account
Wdym u still don't have it
They said u recovered it alrdy
I tried to recover it with the tool but i changed my pw and still could not login
Already did
Is it saying incorrect password?
Did u change the email?
Can I show u later per screenshare
I‘ll be Home at 5pm
oh it works
thanks all