What is this string?
hello, im working with clientwebsocket, the message i receive from websocket server looks like this:
what is this?
30 Replies
my question is somewhat unfavorable i see hehe, to be more exact, what is this string format? how can I read this data?

This question is way too vague
I assume the websocket returns bytes and you should convert this to what is expected to be the data. String, integer, perhaps another data type
That is not how base64 looks
Every character should be visible, and then one or a few possible
offset at the endThis is definitely not Base64.
As @internal ref struct FusedQyou said, you receive bytes.
Since the browser don't know the structure of the data sent, it shows you this string of weird chars.
Right click -> Copy as Base64 and paste it here
thanks sir
First 4 bytes seems to serve as a tag? The data after is a json object.
It seems like you are trying to mimic the Whatsapp client?
I'm not allowed to support you any further I guess.
yes that's true
how did you figure out? just by the data?
can you tell me how you read it sir, please?
and why you not allowed to help me?
@Patrick @RubyNovaDev
He is trying to emulate the whatsapp client
and I don't know if I'm allowed to provide further help
Yes, also the JSON object contains sensitive data of yours, JFYI.
Wait for Patrick.
but I just ask how to read the data
I mean, what are you actually doing?
i use ClientWebSocket and want to connect to whatsapp web websocket server
Which is against Whatsapp ToS.
I see, why are you doing that? How come you're not using their business API?
Business API let me automate messages but I have two accounts, one which is business and one which is private
I want the private to be a "bot" too connected with ChatGPT
right, they don't want you automating private accounts 🙂
so no help here right? 😦
We wouldn't help with that, no.
ok thanks sir :/
Also remove the strings
like I said, it contains your device information
ok thanks
@#1AmericanDadFanForLife sir just one last question
oh wrong ping
@Oni sir one question
what i have to learn to read such data like you did?
Or rather, what is your profession/experience?
yes sorry
I did lots of network reverse engineering back then, I was active in gamehacking and scripting.
If you have no experience regarding this topic, you will need tons of research.
Thought as much
You scare me @Oni but in a good way haha
😇 🤍
thank you very much sir
i will read about network reversing
Haha! We all have our preferences @SparkyCracked 🤭
Good luck @Yifan Lu !