Hello I am from the Santiago sv and I had a terrible experience today
TRIGGER WARNING: explicit language and harassment
I decided to play a couple of rankeds
and I played my last one in breeze, I was with my duo and the other three guys were in the same party. One of them noticed that I am a woman and started harassing me. The other one starting saying that r4pping woman should not be illegal and that I should allow them to r4pe me. The other one started ordering me to tell him my name and to moan his (mid game in a plat lobby). They insisted so much. Very mentally exhausting and I felt really scared because I thought they weren’t toxic at first but then I got the unpleasant surprise.
Submit pictures of the tags and names.
I am pretty sure they were peruvians because of the accent.
I tried to be logical with them but still, they kept on trying to say that it would be fun to r4pe me.
I need help banning them si this doesn’t affect other women. They also kept in mentioning how I needed their d1cks so badly.
#harassment #sexism #bullying

25 Replies
1. Click Career
2. Click your match
3. Right-click the player's name and click Report
4. Fill out the form and submit the report
yk you can just mute them right?
still shouldnt have people like these in our games
you can't help it, all you can do is mute them
unfortunately thats just average valorant experience.
i cant even count the amount of times i get yelled racial slurs at
idk how a woman would feel about r word jokes but honestly i think most people can deal with racial slurs
I mean yeah but you name it I've been called it, I get pedophilia jokes, r4pe jokes.
Pretty much everything
Its disgusting but it's a part of playing online games for everyone
cannot go a valorant game with hearing the words little boy or little girl
and go back to the kitchen or off yourself
Off yourself is common
Unfortunately all these things just happen in games and if u can't take them don't play it
I've had my full name adress school etc leaked by someone before
On valorant
that logic doesn't make sense. don't stop playing the game just cause you come across people who are disrespectful. there are many good people in the game and in the community, you can play with them.
Just report the abusive players, mute them and try to move on. It's a sad reality, but don't let that stop you from having a fun time.
That's probably true but I prefer to just avoid toxic communities in general
No point in playing a multilayer game when the people on your team are just blabbering and not working together, even when muted
It’s honestly rlly sad, but I want something more than just muting and reporting. We don’t deserve that sort of mistreatment
just mute/report , nothing else u can do
you can't really help it, you're just better off muting those sick fucks
sometimes muting won't help if they grief your game and physically block you in game but at that point it's another reason to report. i hope these crabs get what they deserve irl. subhuman fucks honestly
Yes that’s true, that’s another thing they were also doing that, what affected me the most was the r4pe allegations, I felt dirty
they are 200% in the wrong and should be imprisoned. don't beat yourself up over some dickheads on valorant lol
literal criminals
either that or they're trolling and thing sexism and r4pe is funny which is actually subhuman
riot on their way to add another shitty update and ignore this issue
riot on their way to not add a replay system but a new skin bundle
riot on their way to give clove pronouns but not fixing the ghosting issue which has been in their game since beta
why th is my country like this?
Last time i had an experience like that i directly reported it to riot
same, I am from Peru as well, very uncomfy