Cant access Valorant site
help what is going on... was able to play not long ago

12 Replies
all network troubleshooting is fine
@Hades Heya! Are you using a VPN by chance?

Are you having trouble connecting to a game on Valorant or just the website? Any other websites not working?
just valorant website
league site will work
other games work
just not playvalorant
Can you whitelist websites in your Web Companion Anti-virus?
antivirus disabled
Is it still not connecting with you Web Companion disabled?
wym web compainion?
tf I just searched in my task bar
never downloaded this
If you never downloaded that. You might be infected with a malicious software. I recommend installing malware bytes and doing a scan and clean of your computer.
Also, head to search bar and type
add or remove programs
then select it. Here, uninstall anything you don’t know of