Img or Svg element?

Say you have a Figma where the designer have created icons and such. Do you prefer to export them to svg and use them inside an <img /> element with the src pointing to the file, or do you prefer to extract the path and use the <svg> directly like that? It feels like you get more control with svg tag since you can recolour etc, but it also clutters things to have the paths and all?
5 Replies
b1mind12mo ago
#depends how I want it cached is it reused, am I animating it. Typically I'll make a svg sprite. Either inline in a component or as a file. The <use> it. Never really use it in a <img> though
ZerthzOP12mo ago
The usage is typically icons in things like buttons and so, in different vue components. how would you go about <use> a file? might need to read into that, thought <img> was the only way to use an svg file
b1mind12mo ago
Just look up SVG spirites
b1mind12mo ago
Sara is where I learned about them I know you're working with a designer but also good resource Let's you make sprites from the bag and I love it

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