Cloudfare - Pterodactyl Name-Servers
how can i connect cloudflare to pterodactyl? because when i put the cloudfare name-servers the node stops working
36 Replies
I have turned off the DNSSEC and if i p8ut name server and
I asked pterodactyl support for help and they directed me here...
Pterodactyl is an open-source game server management panel built with PHP, React, and Go. Designed with security in mind, Pterodactyl runs all game servers in isolated Docker containers while exposing a beautiful and intuitive UI to end users.
For my domain hostin i use porkbun for my server hosting(datalix) and i isntalled pterodactyl and its working i tried putting nameservers but the node doesnt work and they said to come here..
Im in the process of getting mine working to ghost lol im a bit beyond that atm mine are now connected. I posted this earlier in another server figured this might serve a purpose here.
I figured out how to fix my Cloudflare problems without too much trouble. When I first set up Cloudflare, it messed with my DNS (Domain Name System) settings in ways I didn't expect. To get things back on track, I needed to update my DNS records to make sure they pointed through Cloudflare correctly, which got my server's control panel talking to the rest of the system again. After fixing that, I realized my server nodes weren't connecting or showing up with their hardware details. At first, I thought it was a big, complex issue, but it turned out to be pretty simple: I just had to make sure the DNS records pointed straight to my server without getting tangled up in Cloudflare's proxy (the orange cloud feature). i.e. DNS Record Type: A Name: hostname Value: serverNodeIP grey cloud/ not proxied So once each server node got the DNS adjustments it was back to smooth sailing. I would say everything worked again but for some reason, my old test servers aren't allowing me to operate them. I tested a new server install and everything works as intended. So, I'm not sure what that's about. I'm just yet going to look for a little and if I cant figure it out I will just reinstall those servers.
This truly helps but my dns where looking correctly did you enable or disable behind proxy on the node settings?
So you let cloudflare control the dnz zones
you do that by setting custom name servers typicaly where you are hosted or registered your domain
cloudflare tells you ns1 and ns2 to use
once your using cloudflares dns then control all your dns through their
i should leave the proxy status on dns correctly? for both main domain panel and node ?
are you already controling your dns through cloudflare?
nope trying to do that
i did the nameservers now do i enable behind proxy on the node inside pterodactyl?
i think i get what your asking so
set to 8443 and re apply the config.yml
not behind proxy
i want to connect cloudfare to my pterodactyl and i tried to follow the steps
of changing the domain name servers
but after that the node doesnt run(the node of the pterodactyl)
Enabling Cloudflare proxy
Cloudflare proxying of the Wings isn't beneficial since users will be connecting to the machine directly and bypassing any Cloudflare protection. As such, your Node machine IP will still be exposed.
To enable Cloudflare proxy, you must change the Wings port to one of the Cloudflare HTTPS ports with caching enabled (more info here (opens new window)), such as 8443, because Cloudflare only supports HTTP on port 8080. Select your Node in the Admin Panel, and on the settings tab, change the port. Make sure that you set "Not Behind Proxy" when using Full SSL settings in Cloudflare. Then on Cloudflare dashboard, your FQDN must have an orange cloud enabled beside it.
You are unable to proxy the SFTP port through Cloudflare unless you have their enterprise plan.
the other thing would be in cloudflare dns zones to point them now to the ip
in other words
so i shoud change the 8080 port and make it 8443
This is an example of how I set my DNS record up for my server node.
Type: A
Name: hostname
Value: serverNodeIP
orange cloud/ proxied
sorry my example above says not proxied but i have been re going through the steps and currently i am proxied and working in terms of connection of the panel server and node server

should i enable the orange cloud on the proxy status of the main?
after i change the port do i need to restart anything?
Node information has been updated. If any daemon settings were changed you will need to reboot it for those changes to take effect.
So whenever you make changes to the config on the panel to a node update your config.yml things like port 8443 will be updated that way. I find the best way is to use SSH and use the Generate Token to auto deploy the required config.yml right from root path I do it.
ik ssh do i need to manually update the file?
my panel is proxied orange cloud and a record its subdomain is panel so the name of the record is panel and the cloudflare domain is so that makes my subdomain point to A record of my Wings Server aka node server
i understand
yes because it sounds like you made some changes to the port being 8080 to 8443 you should regenerate it and deploy it again
we chnaged the Daemon Port
from 8080 to 8443
also im set as

yes then you should update the config.yml on the server node associated with the changes you made
i cant even connect to cloudfare
have you already got your SSL made because one of my big issues was using SSL properly with cloudflare
my ssl are working correctly i even did my own revrese proxy
i want cloudfare for protection
you could try changing your config to http and it will update the config.yml you will then need to redeploy the file and overwrite the old one again
did you do ssl before or after cloudflare
i did ssl to panel which was already done by pterodactyl and ssl for my main , the node doesnt have ssl i didnt do ssl for my node
ya the node certainly needs to have ssl also installed
before the cloudfare?
youll take notice to the config file actually calls for the ssl on that server
it was working even thoought
well based on that for now i would certainly add ssl both to the panel server and to the node server
it didnt have ssl
if i add mannually ssl to the node will the cloudfare work?
So not sure I follow are you trying to use SSL right now with the config you have?
well follow these steps
one sec
it will walk you through creating an SSL using cloudflare api
you should make sure to do all of that after clearing your head have a short break and basically start from SSL forward
I had to make my own API key in cloudflare the global one didnt work I created my own key with dns edit permissions so when i made the SSL it will update the DNS for you