Match Delay And Fps Drop
The First match i start is always so delayed that 4 rounds have already played by teammates but after the first match the other matches are started normally And i see fps drop between match sometimes
51 Replies
Also i have a very low end pc
its intel i3-4160T
16gb ram
no gpu ( iGPU )
Fps drops are normal for those specs
I mean he could try changing some system settings and set the graphics settings to lowest
The late loading is prob cuz ur hdd is cooked
it is lowest already
well its only the first match
Yea thats how it works
else the other matches are loaded nrmally
Yea its probably still in the loading process for first match so thats why
hmm any way i can fix it?
I recommend going to the practice range first evrytime u open the game
As it counts as the first match
okay i used to do this on customs
but it didnt worked
I mean in game contents would still load when he enters comps so wouldnt really do much
but when i load into range
The other option is to buy a ssd
the issue is in 1first match only wheather its swift play or compi
i have one but i only has 20 gb left :(
The 3rd option is reinstalling windows as it has helped with loading times before.
i can't do that the pc contains alot of data and i can't backup
as its my dad's data lol
btw when i enter in range it just kick me out randomly after some minutes
Check for windows updates
no network issue
that just takes storage nothing else.
Prob cuz u don't move around for sometime
This is an issue with files loading off of your disk. You might have a HDD. If you do, you should defragment it or get an SSD and place Valorant on it.
windows key + r
than type "dfrgui" to check what type of drive you have.
Learn how to defragment:
Solid State Drives (SSD) and Hard Disk Drives (HDD) are data storage devices. SSDs are usually much smaller, thinner, and offer more storage volume, speed, and efficiency compared to HDDs.
:Spray_ThisIsFine: :Spray_ThisIsFine: :Spray_ThisIsFine:
nah i do
Not much you can do other than buying new parts, checking current sytems state or doing some changes to valorant from your windows
When have u last updated the windows?
prob some months ago
Update ur windows
Before it just corrupts itself
Nah i don't have storage
Ur windows will be cooked
alright ill try
And u won't be able to repair it
ALWAYS keep windows upto date
No matter what
ill try
If you really don't have enough storage
can u help me clear my ssd? it just 120 gb
you could try to save your files on an external ssd or hdd drive and redownload windows for ur whole pc
that would fix most of the problems without having to actually do some trouble shooting
i dont have one
and its 120 gb and it contains windows
so yeah
I mean doesn't system already take up 50 gb..?
yea I would reccomend just buying a new SSD or adding one to the pc
i have 2 hdd and 1 ssd
dollars and you could get like a 550 gb or 1tb
can 1 more be added
I don't know about your motherboard but some can have up to 2 ssds
So if not your gonna have to remove your current one and replace it
Also were still unsure if its your storage problems/graphic cards/cpu or just system capabilities
u have any cleaner?
or app mover
ill move from ssd to hdd
nah you could probably find a few videos on youtube though
It definitely doesn't
well i just deleted hibernation files and now its 34 gb more <3

Wait like 5 mins before Qing