how can i fetch a .json file in a worker that is located localy inside of the worker
here is an example image of what i mean
how can i acess the routes.json file insdie my worker i tried using
any idea on how i can just fetch it to use it?
i dont want to host it on s3 or r2 the ideal would be to just have it inside the worker itself
and i want to keep it seperate since i dont want to manualy edit the code this way i can just edit a json file to specify new stuff for it
3 Replies
Import it at the top of your worker using
syntax?doesn't work @James throwing an error and telling me its not a module
any way to make KV's be abel to use arrays?
i could probably just take the json data and store the entire json file as a single KV and just parse it using the json.parse() function
could you try adding
with { type: "json" };
or assert { type: "json" };
at the end of the import statement?