Hello! Has anyone gotten a "can't connect to game, relaunch client, error van 1067" before?. It doesn't seem to appear in riot game's official error code list. I searched it online, I tried everything but to no avail. If so did you fix it? And how? Thank you ❤️
5 Replies
sorry for late reply
I asked the same question to the mods/admins
they said this problem is pretty much rare if u say
and possibly no solution
valorant bugs are ass tbf
I'm sorry to tell you that there is no official fix for the van 1067 error currently, which means you won't be able to play the game 😔
However on the good side, the devs are working to publish a fix/solution for the van 1067 error/bug. It might take time tho.
You can however try to do a complete windows reinstall, make a new user with admin privileges and only English letters on the computer and run your pc through a proxy with for example cloudflair WARP however It's not a guarantee fix tho !
I made these settings in the Bios and removed the hard disk and the game runs smoothly. I don't know whether removing the hard disk or the bios settings solved the problem, but my problem was solved. I hope your problem will be solved by trying these.

Stop spamming that in evry post