legion go controller issue.

Any ideas to fix this controler issue anyone? (I tried asking before a while ago but it got buried so ill try again)
20 Replies
Aruβ€’12mo ago
πŸ€” did this only start happening recently?
azackalOPβ€’12mo ago
No its been an issue a while. I tried asking before i cant remember what the date was off top of my head
antheasβ€’12mo ago
happens to me always on now thanks for the tip on fixing it. I pressed the steam button to fix we suspect steam bug
azackalOPβ€’12mo ago
Hmmm maybe. Its almost like the task changed for some reason on its own. Like even on windows say you were using multiple things and you touch the program to change to. Except its only got a game open. But it acts like that anyway. You may be right about steam im not sure.
antheasβ€’12mo ago
It's def steam
Minisungamβ€’12mo ago
Been having this issue too, after suspend then resume it seems Steam won't attach any controls to any games afterwards, even after closing the game and relaunching the same game or a different one. Only fix I've found is to either reboot or enter desktop mode then back to gaming mode. I've tried going back and forth between Dualsense and Dualsense Edge and changing Steam game controls to no avail. It also makes no difference if you suspend with or without a game currently open.
antheasβ€’12mo ago
i dont have this problem, mine is less severe maybe its the hhd overlay ver that ships with bazzite, do you use it?
Minisungamβ€’12mo ago
I think so? Sorry, I just got the Legion Go like 2 days ago. The Bazzite version of hdd seems to be a bit behind what's on the devs Github. I'll try to manually update it.
antheasβ€’12mo ago
If you use it reboot and just don't open it Then see if you get the issue
Minisungamβ€’12mo ago
Didn't seem to be the issue. Rebooted, suspended and resumed then opened a game and no controls.
antheasβ€’12mo ago
Ok thanks
Minisungamβ€’12mo ago
Sorry didn't realize YOU are the dev of hdd. Thanks for your work and help!
antheasβ€’12mo ago
I tired multiple gamescope vers no hhd still had it But I could fix it by pressing the steam button
Minisungamβ€’12mo ago
You're talking about the button that brings up the left menu, right? Ok very strange, when I press the Steam button, it does go to the game, but the left d-pad won't work, the right stick become the mouse, the B button turns into the A button, Start becomes B, and none of the others work LOL Can't seem to replicate it now, gonna put this down for a bit
azackalOPβ€’12mo ago
Well heres hoping it helps the dev team get it going. Otherwise I'm really liking using bazzite on my legion go. Feels right at home again like im back on my steam deck! But with worse speakers lol
antheasβ€’12mo ago
Oof so it switches to desktop mode
Aruβ€’12mo ago
did you already try the sound fix on the legion go? it still wont' be as good as the deck, but it does improve sound a lot https://github.com/aarron-lee/legion-go-tricks/tree/main/experimental_sound_fix
azackalOPβ€’12mo ago
No i cant say i have. I wasnt aware of it being broken. I just thought it was naturally quite πŸ˜… i thought it was just how its gonna be less i do a huge modification πŸ˜† ill look at it.
Aruβ€’12mo ago
it's not "broken", but it could definitely be tuned better
azackalOPβ€’12mo ago
Ill try it when work gets a little less busy.

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