7 Replies
content type is set, everything looks ok, we also have lot of users from india but we don't see any connectivity issues yet
Specifically from TN
It loads fine in office, but somehow on prod we are seeing lots of errors
Office is in bangalore, karnataka
what is the status code returned along with content type on prod. and debugg it from android app, I don't think it is a connectivity issue
Its a react native app using expo, internally it uses ExoPlayer
and the error received is
I think the url is wrong, maybe due to url encoding, and cloudflare will send 404 with html, that maybe causing this issue.
I checked our logs for connectivity, we don't see any issues from different parts of india including bangalore
ok, thanks so much for helping out
We will double check all the URLs
Our users are in Tamil Nadu mostly, thats where we are seeing errors
it works fine in office...
which is in BLR
Its not a 404 issue, if there is an invalid URL, the error given by the app is
Error: com.google.android.exoplayer2.upstream.HttpDataSource$InvalidResponseCodeException: Response code: 404
Im able to get the same error when trying to play a non MP3 file
like you mentioned, its giving a 2xx response, but sending HTML or something