minFn confusion

CodePen: https://codepen.io/Ceecee-Hart/pen/dyLZrKb I'm not sure where this extra space is coming from when i set my grid col to auto. I've got the grid, .main with two direct chhildren, .poster and .content. Poster includes .img-wrap><img> and a row with two buttons. <img> is set to max-width: 100% and .img-wrap{width: min(100%, 30ch);} If i set my grid col to the same min(100%, 30ch)its fine, but if grid col is set to auto, theres all this extra space in the column. Where is it coming from? Its just empty space in the poster div.
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43 Replies
ἔρως11mo ago
which grid are you talking about? i may be missing something, but i didnt find any styles for .poster
Kevin Powell
Kevin Powell11mo ago
This is a bit complex, but I'll try 😄 When you have img { width: min(100%, 30ch), that line is reliant on the space available... which is being defined by the grid. The auto can't know how big the image is, when the image is reliant on the cell size to know how big it should be. Because of that, the auto assumes that the image is at 100%, and lets the image figure it out from there... so it keeps that space growing, even though the image has hit it's 30ch. This is also because the other column is 1fr. 1fr will allow it to take up the extra available space, if there is any... but we have no extra available space... When working with grid, there are ways to have the children define the column size, but it tend sto be awkward. Grid is outside in, meaning the parent controls the layout, and the grid items live within that layout, so if you want that min(30ch, 100%), I'd do something like that when I define the column.
ἔρως11mo ago
but isnt that supposed to be defined in the .poster class? thats the parent of the image holder and the content or am i missing something stupidly obvious?
clevermissfoxOP11mo ago
So the <img> is set to max width:100% and is held by a wrapper .img-wrap. The img-wrap is getting the width:min(100% ,30ch) if that changes anything. As you can see in the code, I do have the column set to the same min() as I had set on the .img-wrap but thought since I have a width on the img-wrap auto would work. Gonna have to read over this a few times as I still don’t get why it creates so much extra space when it’s set to auto. The grid is on .main, which has two direct children .poster and .content. So poster is a grid child.
ἔρως11mo ago
oh, i did miss important details by the way, the image has max-width: 100%, which will keep the aspect ratio
clevermissfoxOP11mo ago
That’s why I tend to always wrap images in a wrapper so the wrapper can define the size
ἔρως11mo ago
actually, it works a bit better without
ἔρως11mo ago
depending on what you want, this is perfectly fine
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ἔρως11mo ago
but as you see: no more white space after, with the auto
clevermissfoxOP11mo ago
Can you link the pen? I don’t see the values you’ve changed
ἔρως11mo ago
that's because i didn't change anything there, i just removed the .img-wrap in f12
clevermissfoxOP11mo ago
The image gets too large if I just leave it at 100%
ἔρως11mo ago
personally, i prefer to do it that way then, i set the size in the grid but as kevin explained really nicely, auto won't work in this case but at least it doesn't have the weird white space
clevermissfoxOP11mo ago
Right, I’m just not getting why the min function leaves that space in the first place. It’s in the poster container itself , not the .img-wrap
ἔρως11mo ago
the .img-wrap has a width
clevermissfoxOP11mo ago
Yes a width of min(100%,30ch) So shouldn’t poster hug whatever the widest element within it?
ἔρως11mo ago
depends on how wide the character 0 is
clevermissfoxOP11mo ago
.img-wrap is whatever size it is though, if you put an outline on it, you can see its width is represented by the image inside.
ἔρως11mo ago
no, 30ch means that it is 30x the width of the character 0 in that font, 0 is 10.77px wide, so, 30ch is 30x10.77 = 323px 323 pixels is smaller than the available space when you use auto therefore, the image will be 323 pixels wide and make that whitespace https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Values_and_Units#:~:text=%220%22%20(ZERO%2C%20U%2B0030)%20glyph <-- reference
ἔρως11mo ago
this is how i measured how wide the 0 is
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ἔρως11mo ago
actual width - close enough to 323px
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ἔρως11mo ago
in conclusion: the min function is working as it should
clevermissfoxOP11mo ago
If 323px/30ch is smaller than 100% , then shouldn’t it use that value and pass that up as the width of .poster to the main grid for auto value? I thought using auto 1fr, any additional space would be passed to the col 1fr. Instead poster is taking extra space even though the image and image wrap is only 323px. Sorry I’m feeling very dense about this. I thought I got how min() worked but I just don’t get why there’s extra space within poster for its intrinsic size
ἔρως11mo ago
no, it shouldn't
clevermissfoxOP11mo ago
But I’ll just keep it as it is and forget auto
ἔρως11mo ago
it won't know that 100% is smaller because the 100% relies on the width of the parent and the parent relies on the width of the child, if it is set to auto
clevermissfoxOP11mo ago
So how is it deciding how much extra white space to give poster when at auto ?
ἔρως11mo ago
it's just barfing something that's close enough, which kinda looks like 50%
clevermissfoxOP11mo ago
Hmm okay Thanks so much for your time and effort
ἔρως11mo ago
actually i was wrong
ἔρως11mo ago
this is what's defining what the 1fr is when you have auto 1fr
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ἔρως11mo ago
auto will take all the space is available, and 1f is the rest you can't reduce any more than what it is reduced now, so, 1fr is that width, and the auto is the remaining space the remaining space is wider than 30x the width of 0 (which is ~323px) therefore, you get the space
clevermissfoxOP11mo ago
I see
ἔρως11mo ago
you can see that "dominique", "directors" and "screenwriters" have absolutely no extra space anywhere, and they can't be broken down any smaller
clevermissfoxOP11mo ago
1fr is at min-content and auto is whatever left?
ἔρως11mo ago
basically, yes
clevermissfoxOP11mo ago
Interesting I always thought it was the other way around, auto was the intrinsic size of the content and 1fr was whatever is left
ἔρως11mo ago
no, auto is greedy if it can take a pixel, it will fight hard for that pixel you can see that "dominique pinon" is on 2 different lines, because it could be made shorter by breaking on the space if i disable the whitespace wrapping, you can see that the whitespace is shorter
ἔρως11mo ago
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ἔρως11mo ago
compare with this
clevermissfoxOP11mo ago
I see, thanks I will need to flip my thinking on auto vs fr as I thought the behaviour was opposite
ἔρως11mo ago
well, 1fr just tries to take 1 part of the space if you have 1fr 1fr, it's the same as 50% 50% but if you have 1fr 2fr, then it's 33.333% 66.666% auto is just "GIMME ALL THE SPACE NOW!" if you invert it and do 1fr auto, you will see it works
b1mind11mo ago
auto is closer to max-content with grid auto 1fr the fr is going to take the space and auto will fit the content.

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