VALORANTβ€’4mo ago

I need help badly

can anyone help with this, i have opened up the vanguard to see what has happened and it still doesnt work.
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77 Replies
_lzkβ€’4mo ago
Sean Diaz 🚬
Sean Diaz πŸš¬β€’4mo ago
Well the problem right now is, that you need to activate "Secure Boot" over your BIOS Settings. There are many videos on YouTube which can help you.
Talonted Gamer
Talonted Gamerβ€’4mo ago
sure Windows key + r -> tpm.msc Windows key + r -> msinfo32 Please send images of both so we can better support
Felix :D
Felix :Dβ€’4mo ago
Troubleshooting the VAN9001 or VAN 9003 Error on Windows 11 | VALORANT
This article applies only to Windows 11 users.Β  About Secure Boot and TPM 2.0 Trusted Platform Module (TPM) and Secure Boot are security technologies that allow Windows 11 to boot programs using a ...
Felix :D
Felix :Dβ€’4mo ago
You gotta enable secureboot in BIOS literally every second post is about this πŸ’€ which depends on ur computer so yk on new lenovo ones its nice and easy, on like old dells its so complex :/
Talonted Gamer
Talonted Gamerβ€’4mo ago
favorite Coding lang ?
jidatβ€’4mo ago
:val_KekwSob: :val_KekwSob:
Felix :D
Felix :Dβ€’4mo ago
.. erm... english πŸ™‚
Talonted Gamer
Talonted Gamerβ€’4mo ago
no html is better try it :val_KEKW: but its not programming lang :val_CatChest:
Talonted Gamer
Talonted Gamerβ€’4mo ago
how about this ?
No description
jidatβ€’4mo ago
Felix :D
Felix :Dβ€’4mo ago
πŸ’€ html is old its in the past bookie
Talonted Gamer
Talonted Gamerβ€’4mo ago
Felix :D
Felix :Dβ€’4mo ago
πŸ’€ omg i love that kj line πŸ˜„ i recognised it immedialtey
Talonted Gamer
Talonted Gamerβ€’4mo ago
_lzkβ€’4mo ago
Wdym by both
Saucywanβ€’4mo ago
C# I'm sorry?
_lzkβ€’4mo ago
mb wdym by both pics? ah ah AH i see
_lzkβ€’4mo ago
No description
_lzkβ€’4mo ago
No description
_lzkβ€’4mo ago
right im on lenovo
Felix :D
Felix :Dβ€’4mo ago
Oh ok then it's very easy to navigate vios
_lzkβ€’4mo ago
how @Felix
Felix :D
Felix :Dβ€’4mo ago
When you restart your computer Spam the enter key
_lzkβ€’4mo ago
Felix :D
Felix :Dβ€’4mo ago
Then you can enter Ur bios And just search through the settings its easy to find
_lzkβ€’4mo ago
whats my bios
Felix :D
Felix :Dβ€’4mo ago
Its under pike security or smth Like settings ig
_lzkβ€’4mo ago
? ??
Felix :D
Felix :Dβ€’4mo ago
? Ah Ic
_lzkβ€’4mo ago
;-; what
Felix :D
Felix :Dβ€’4mo ago
So you don't know what bios is?
_lzkβ€’4mo ago
_lzkβ€’4mo ago
No description
_lzkβ€’4mo ago
i cant read
Felix :D
Felix :Dβ€’4mo ago
Saucywanβ€’4mo ago
_lzkβ€’4mo ago
yep or lets say i cant be bothered to read all of it
Felix :D
Felix :Dβ€’4mo ago
Ok so go onto your windows like backgrpund Right click on your desktop and click create shortcut
_lzkβ€’4mo ago
mhm now what
Felix :D
Felix :Dβ€’4mo ago
In the box type shutdown /r /fw /t 1
_lzkβ€’4mo ago
name for it?
Felix :D
Felix :Dβ€’4mo ago
Then go into properties and check run as administrator Doesn't matter Oh no That's in the location boc The location of the item
_lzkβ€’4mo ago
so now hwat do i do
Saucywanβ€’4mo ago
_lzkβ€’4mo ago
nothing happened
Saucywanβ€’4mo ago
Open cmd as admin Enter: shutdown.exe /fw /r /t 0
_lzkβ€’4mo ago
doesnt that shutdown my pc @Saucywan
Saucywanβ€’4mo ago
_lzkβ€’4mo ago
then what do i do
Saucywanβ€’4mo ago
Did you enter the command?
_lzkβ€’4mo ago
no bcs i dont know my pc password
Saucywanβ€’4mo ago
.. You can’t restart your computer?
_lzkβ€’4mo ago
no i dont know the passwor
Saucywanβ€’4mo ago
Why not?
Felix :D
Felix :Dβ€’4mo ago
What #stolenpc Lmao we can't really help
_lzkβ€’4mo ago
nop hmm.. i forgot it nah apparently i hve to restart my pc and then go to whatever blue thingy and if i do it wrong then my pc goes boom
Saucywanβ€’4mo ago
... the blue thingy
_lzkβ€’4mo ago
Saucywanβ€’4mo ago
you mean winre
_lzkβ€’4mo ago
maybe idk
Saucywanβ€’4mo ago
Well you said you can't restart your computer
_lzkβ€’4mo ago
lets not risk bombing my pc for valorant
Saucywanβ€’4mo ago
So you can't
_lzkβ€’4mo ago
well i can its just lets say ive got a password on me laptop bcs my parents locked it bcs i forgot to sleep
Saucywanβ€’4mo ago
.. Well have fun with that Bye
_lzkβ€’4mo ago
buh lesson learnt dont risk ur pc for valorant
Saucywanβ€’4mo ago
You're not risking anything That's why you're here so you get step by step instructions I'm not proceeding because you don't even know your own password for your own computer
_lzkβ€’4mo ago
oh alr
BrainFreeze470β€’4mo ago
he doesnt want to go into bios
_lzkβ€’4mo ago
yep me is scared
Felix :D
Felix :Dβ€’4mo ago
I know a lit of oriole day that
_lzkβ€’4mo ago
wut is oriole
Felix :D
Felix :Dβ€’4mo ago
A lot of people dont But secure boot won't damage anything Oh sht I use voice to text I didn't Oop I meant it is easy to navigate and u csnt really mesd it up
jidatβ€’4mo ago
Talonted Gamer
Talonted Gamerβ€’4mo ago