Garbage PC
Hi guys I have a garbace PC and I was asking if you guys have some tips to make valorant go faster, not some basic ones like startup apps or stuff like that, some tips that actually help a lot with fps, I dont care about quality tbh
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TenZ How to Boost FPS & Optimize Settings in Valorant | PRO Settings
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TenZ How to Boost FPS & Optimize Settings in Valorant | PRO Settings
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yeah Ik this video, it helps but not that much
I wanted something that even if it lowers a lot the quality it would help
Could be ur drivers
Perform a clean install
win + r type %localappdata%\VALORANT\Saved\Config\Windows

open this file
will look like
remember that long string
then you back out into the config folder
win + r and type %localappdata%\VALORANT\Saved\Config
find the folder with the long string
in my case this folder

then in the folder go to --> windows and open this file

Yeah just do that
Like what the flip
Mf pulled out documents
find this and change it into this

after the change restart valorant
reset pc + upgrade ur pc
not everyone has the possibility to upgrade a computer
there are ways to optimize valorant to make it runner better at a lose of quality
and as OP said its okay to lower the quality
damn man, I'll try it in like 20 minutes and give you some feedbacks tysm for the effort you put in
if that dosnt help to much i can give you some more tips however it will drasticly make the quality worse
the biggest problem is that my computer is a laptop and cant uograde it, but yeah you're still right, this summer I'll work and probably I'll buy some monster pc
I'll check that first, either way I'll ping you again
reset pc still a good option
and then optimizing
with that quality it didnt still increase my fps, that's actually no sense
did you save the file?
ctrl + s?
yep, I see the quality decreased too @lyra
open display settings and
go to display resolution
there you could change it to lower
you can also do it in val
so your whole computer dont get affected
I use 1440x1080
you got a 1440p monitor?
nope but I use stretched not true tho
try to change it to 1600x900
its not streach tho
but try to lower the res
I'm trying 1080x1080 now but is not changing much, idk what to do
didnt you say you had some other tips but drastic ones?
lowering the res and remove animations from windows
lowering the res by alot tho
omfg, my pc used to stay on 200 fps, now idk why it goes 100 -120 and I cant stand it, maybe something happened? @lyra
120 is good fps imo-
ig you could try to reinstall valo, might have had some problems with the update not sure-
yeah but going from 144 to 100 is bad
I'll try that too
yeah drops are
but all changes like high performance and stuff I did ti valo will be lost right
I'll do it again 🤷♂️, thx anyway, after that game I'll try ti reinstall it
you can ping me again
if you need to help
Ight 🫶
@lyra it doesnt let me uninstall it, I tried from apo and features but nothing and it says that it occupies only 480 MB
I did it, is more complex than any other apps tho
yea you need to first delete vg
@lyra So I just tried it and it's actually a bit better,I was thinking about rebooting my pc but not sure it would help it
i mean you copuld try to turn off all auto start up apps
execpt for vangarud
and execpt for essentail once
did it already 🫠
not sure
what is your pc spec?
1440×1080 is 1080p
no it's just stretched res
we both wrong lol
yes, 1440×1080 is stretched res which is 1080p
not 1440
1440p is 2560×1440
you are lol
but it's still not 1080p
1080p is 1920x1080 or sum like that
My guy no
1920×1080 is just the standard 16:9 1080p res
And 1440×1080 is the 4:3 res
Both are still technically 1080p
@lyra I rebooted my pc and I earned like 50 fps, it was so helpful actually and it freed a lot of storage btw he's right 1440 1080 is still 1080p
yeah I realized that