RunPod12mo ago

Can we use serverless faster Whisper for local audio?

I deployed faster Whisper using serverless and invoked it using "import requests url = "https://api.runpod.ai/v2/faster-whisper/runsync" payload = { "input": { "audio": "https://github.com/runpod-workers/sample-inputs/raw/main/audio/gettysburg.wav", "model": "base", "transcription": "plain_text", "translate": False, "language": "en", "temperature": 0, "best_of": 5, "beam_size": 5, "patience": 1, "suppress_tokens": "-1", "condition_on_previous_text": False, "temperature_increment_on_fallback": 0.2, "compression_ratio_threshold": 2.4, "logprob_threshold": -1, "no_speech_threshold": 0.6, "word_timestamps": False }, "enable_vad": False } headers = { "accept": "application/json", "content-type": "application/json", "authorization": "API-KEY" } response = requests.post(url, json=payload, headers=headers) print(response.text)" it's working fine, But when I'm using the local audio from my system i'm getting this error ""delayTime":995,"error":"{"error_type": "<class 'av.error.FileNotFoundError'>", "error_message": "[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'None'","
6 Replies
Madiator201112mo ago
nope as worker is remote machine and it does not have access to your local files
CereberusOP12mo ago
esho12mo ago
I think you can use base64, here is a example: audio_file = "audio2.wav" audio_base64 = base64.b64encode(open(audio_file, "rb").read()).decode("utf-8") payload = { "input": { "audio_base64": audio_base64, "model": "tiny", "transcription": "plain_text", "translate": False, "language": "en", "temperature": 0, "best_of": 1, "beam_size": 1, "patience": 1, "suppress_tokens": "-1", "condition_on_previous_text": False, "temperature_increment_on_fallback": 0.2, "compression_ratio_threshold": 2.4, "logprob_threshold": -1, "no_speech_threshold": 0.6, "word_timestamps": False }, "enable_vad": False }
ayokolapo10mo ago
Getting this error ConnectionError: ('Connection aborted.', ConnectionResetError(10054, 'An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host', None, 10054, None))
nerdylive10mo ago
That means the host is invalid?
ayokolapo10mo ago
The audio_base64 returns that error but same code works when a URL is provided for the audio. The context is trying to run whisper on a local audio file.

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