Help me :)
So I've had this problem for a while now tried to download and download valorant again , tried on mz phone and even tried on a friends pc but I alwazs get the same error (Been like this since 3 weeks now)

9 Replies
Riot servers issue
Use ur username and password to login
doesn't work bro
maybe u can login idk, but when u try to go to settings appears that
it's something from riot
U tried it?
It has worked for 95% of the people
The other 5% were doing it wrong
for me it worked i had the same issue
log in with your riot acc not your google or apple ... acc
But ig it works if u say so
Because I login only with Google so I will don't bother to see if it works or not
ohh, nice, my bad then
It did work for me rn thx for the help @jidat
Also people need not to poke their nose in between if they have no idea what they are talking about and calling the other person wrong.