Which agent should i play?

How do i know which agent to play? Iron 2, i am always top fragging in games but i don't play ranked much, i am somewhat decent at every agent, i have decent gamesense and trash aim (good crosshair placement tho). which agent should i be playing and any suggestions for my playstyle?
10 Replies
Paki Kulfi
Paki Kulfi4mo ago
Milo Tastic
Milo Tastic4mo ago
no if he has trash aim no i would say igl and fade, sova, gekko, sage, skye, killjoy or cypher
if ur in iron go on a reyna ark till gold or silver
חוֹטֵא4mo ago
I am good at reyna but i am not skilled at here dismisses or heal tech (the timing) so do u think i should play more or do some other agent? Sure i can play those agents pretty well but i can't clutch with them like 1v2s any tips? i have plat gamesense plastic 3 aim so yeah, i js get a lot of frags cuz i know how to play
Felix :D
Felix :D4mo ago
WOAH WOAH WAOH dont u dare say "im good at reyna" That is nonononoonononoononoonon Anyway what you do is randomly choose an agent and try it out To get out of iron then yes id reccomend duelist cuz otherwise u like never win cuz the other duelists dont do much so like pheonix or reyna trust Actually depending on the map fade sucks ngl sage is great on icebox and like everything tho free assists
Milo Tastic
Milo Tastic4mo ago
U don’t aim train ples
ok so what agents do you ussualy play duelists, sentinels, initiators etc... cuz i want to know the best agent to recomend @Felix do you think these are good questions i never gave valorant advice since 2 years ago
Felix :D
Felix :D4mo ago
I play usually sentinels Sage, deadlock and cypher
oh nice
Felix :D
Felix :D4mo ago
but yea best agent to play in low elo is reyna or pheonix something with flashes and lots of util helpign teammates is pointless they dont help u 🙂