How are Access Service Token JWTs supposed to be used?

In the Zero Trust dashboard, each request using a Service Token shows up as a "Login". I assumed this was because perhaps I was using them wrong, so I tried just using the cookie (from an initial request) for subsequent requests and omitting the cf-access-client-id and cf-access-client-secret headers... but this returns a 401/403 (I don't recall, because this was a week ago). I tried extracting the JWT from the cookie and using it in place of the cf-access-client-secret header, and a bunch of other things I thought might be the "correct way", but nothing worked. The documentation is pretty light on this topic, so I was wondering if I'm missing something. Its obviously not the end of the world having each request showing up as a login... although I'd rather it didn't. But I'm just so confused because the docs ( literally say: "If the service token is valid, Access generates a JWT scoped to the application. All subsequent requests with that JWT will succeed until the expiration of that JWT." But what does that even mean if there's no way of using the JWT for subsequent requests? I've scoured the web for answers, and found several posts/questions from people with the exact same question... and they never have any answer below them 😭
Cloudflare Docs
Service tokens · Cloudflare Zero Trust docs
You can provide automated systems with service tokens to authenticate against your Zero Trust policies. Cloudflare Access will generate service tokens …
28 Replies
aperture•6mo ago
the JWT token is sent to you via CF_Authorization cookie, so any browser can automatically store that token and seamlessly use this feature. But in server we don't have a cookie jar to automatically store the cookie, so you will have to manually extract and store it assume that you have domain protected by zerotrust, my approach is: 1. Make a GET request to with CF-Access-Client-Id and CF-Access-Client-Secret 2. Extract cookies via Set-Cookie header responded by CF Access and get the CF_Authorization cookie. It will look like this:
CF_Authorization={some token}; Expires=Wed, 01 May 2024 10:00:33 GMT; Path=/; Secure; HttpOnly; SameSite=none
CF_Authorization={some token}; Expires=Wed, 01 May 2024 10:00:33 GMT; Path=/; Secure; HttpOnly; SameSite=none
(result maybe different according to setting in Zero Trust Application) 3. Store that cookie somewhere else, in my case I store it in CF KV. Everytime I request any resource in, I append the cookie value acquired like above to the Cookies header, even when you are sending request from server. in the document it said that CF_Authorization header can work too, but for some reason it does not work as expected, so I use the cookie header approach, which simulate cookie sending like a browser
Jacob Marshall
Jacob Marshall•6mo ago
Thats the thing... I implemented a cookie-jar, which is sending the cookie back to the endpoint... but it fails (401/403) 🙈
aperture•6mo ago
what's the error message?
Jacob Marshall
Jacob Marshall•6mo ago
I'll have to grab that code again and get back to you. This was a week ago, and reached out on Twitter about it, and nobody responded 😛 I'm wondering if there's maybe some other config on the access app to make this work.
aperture•6mo ago
unless you are a big enterprise or you are on your own XD. At least CF are kind enough to have this discord server and response to our request on their help forum we dont have such luxury when we use AWS
aperture•6mo ago
you have to add a policy whose action set to Service Auth
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Jacob Marshall
Jacob Marshall•6mo ago
Yeah I have that setup. Ran into that issue a while back when first using Service Tokens haha 😛
aperture•6mo ago
then under the Assign a group section, you have to choose a group which has your access token
Jacob Marshall
Jacob Marshall•6mo ago
I'm just gonna try replicate on my personal Cloudflare account now 🙂
aperture•6mo ago
You will need an access group which reference a service token like this:
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Jacob Marshall
Jacob Marshall•6mo ago
It has to be an access group? I can't just add it under "Create additional rules"?
aperture•6mo ago
then attach that group to a policy like this
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aperture•6mo ago
I haven't tried that approach tho
Jacob Marshall
Jacob Marshall•6mo ago
OK so I've replicated it now. 1 second while I take some screenshots 😛
aperture•6mo ago
if you've added that token to an existing policy and it does not work then I'm afraid that you will need to create a separate Service Auth policy
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