What is a better crosshair?
I am a new player in Valo and my friends are pro. I asked them crosshair .some recommended cyan dot • some recommended red plus +. Both are good. So which one should i train?
12 Replies
The dot is nice
try out both and see which one u like most
Iv tried both, plus was out of range but i was getting used to dot but it failed me
So im training out but dont know which one is better when i start to get pro?
use placebo effect and use different crosshairs
feels fresh and nice for some reason
go to valorant crosshair database and pick one out that u like
there's a bunch of pro player crosshairs and other crosshairs so just find one u like
Do a mix find the one you like and train with it
yay or dot crosshair would be good for practicing your accuracy
get a bigger crosshair if you want to be more accurate
smaller= more precision = easier one taps


i use this, looking good tho