vanuguard problem
Hello, since 2 weeks ago when i run game i saw this. i contact with val suppport but it wasn't fix. Can you help me? ( I tried everythink)

74 Replies
when you open the task tray in the bottom right does the vanguard tray notification show up?

because i was reinstaling game
then open the windows search and enter in this:
once in here locate the service named
, right click it and choose properties and then change the startup type to be automatic
, then click apply- and OK
after that's done reboot the computer and check if the tray notification is showing upoh... i dont have this service
alright, then most likely what is happening is your antivirus is probably conflicting with the installation of the service
do you use any 3rd party ones that you know of and can disable to test this out?
no only windows
weird, have a second look just in case but lets try removing any vanguard files that made it to the pc and see if maybe they were corrupted for some reason,
- open cmd as administrator
- enter the following commands:
- delete the riot vanguard folder that should be present on the
C:\Program Files\Riot Vanguard
equivalent on your computer
- reboot the pc and let the files reinstallok what's next?
open up the riot client again and see if it has the same problem
it same problem
and vgc still doesn't exist in services.msc?
then it has to be 3rd party interference or a lack of privileges when installing
What kind of third-party interference?
typically it would be an antivirus software or rather anything that stops you from changing certain safety features
we can make sure that this isn't why by turning off windows defender temporarily and doing a clean boot to make sure there is nothing on the pc running that isn't by microsoft
to disable the real time protection it varies a little based on what operating system but you would basically do something close to this:
- Search for
windows security
in windows
- Click Virus & threat protection
- Click Manage settings
under Virus & threat protection settings
- Set Real-time protection
to be Off
after this you would do the following to perform a clean boot:
- Search for System Configuration
in windows
- Go to the Services
- Make sure Hide all Microsoft services is checked
- Click Disable all
- Click Apply and then OK
- Restart the computer
doing this will make the computer only start with the microsoft services on your computer so you can make sure its not some other software causing a problem for youit doesn't work
which part doesn't work?
How am I supposed to check that?
well that depends what you mean by "it doesn't work"
i have same problem
i mean
ah, so the clean boot went through and no other software started but you still have the problem?
yes 😦
alright then lets give your user full control over the valorant folder and add it through the windows firewall as well in case its an internet filter blocking it
how i can do that ?
sorry but i dont know many things about computers
open cmd as admin and enter this command but replacing the two placeholder items first:
you would replace folder_path with the
C:\Riot Games
equivalent on your computer and you would replace username with your windows username, you can find it by typing in whoami
in the cmd first
dw about it, anything you don't understand I'll try to explain better
if you do decide to run the whoami
command the username will be the one after the \its success
but i was 1 file
huh, 1 file?
you sure it was a success?
no sorry i was failed 1 files
it should be in the thousands
ah, did you run the cmd as admin?
can you send a screenshot of the cmd?

what does the error above the failure say?
I'm assuming its something about your user not existing or something
Mapping between account names and security IDs was not done.
yeah this implies you entered the user incorrectly
try running the
command and see what it says the user is
if you're having trouble correctly entering the user then you could maybe try just giving every user on the computer full control if you're comfortable with it:
it cant run because it really fast closing
what do you mean by its really fast closing? these commands shouldn't close the terminal
no it cant load
this I don't understand at all, what isn't loading?
when i run it the whoami is closing
closing? it should just return with a value like this:

ah I see what the problem is
into that search window instead
and then inside cmd enter the whoami
commandjust type whoami?
yup, and it should just return with the current user

your user is called admin? :val_KEKW:
odd choice
oh idk sorry
nah its fine, try running the command with this new username instead then:
it work
alright then lets add valorant through the firewall as well
run cmd as admin again and enter these commands:
btw you have to remove the space I added before the "exe" part
for some reason they think its a link :val_KEKW:
ok it done
to make sure its not the outbound connection causing issues we can also run these two commands just in case:
once again just remove the extra space
alright then restart the pc and try running riot client again
ooooo fuck it doesn't work
smh always the riot stuff that never works
we'll try one more simple thing real quick, open task manager and close anything that has to do with riot
and then make sure to launch the riot client as administrator when you start it instead
fuck this game
okey thx for all
didn't work then?
well I'm pretty much out of ideas for the logical things that could be causing it, sorry
I would assume it may be due to the game being installed on the D drive and windows is on the C drive or that the OS is formatted incorrectly but I can't provide any real ideas I'm afraid
Press win+r
Type msinfo32
Show ss
sorry i was sleeping

What antivirus are u using?
hello please any one help me
Download autoruns from Microsoft website
ok whats nexr
windows 11 home
i prefre change it to pro if you play just games
ok but now i want to fix this