I got banned for no reason can anyone help me? VAL-152
So I played valorant rankeds like every day and its good alr but i login next day i want another ranked games but valorant send me this Im permanently suspended but i didn´t do anything i only have Valorant Tracker. And now my account is perm. banned and i got 4 moths HWID ban. Like how ? I never cheat before i only have Val. tracker, can samoone help me please? Because i create a ticket and they said they are 100% correct with this ban and they can´t help me with this and say its my fault, bro wtf. I do nothing and i buy many skins and they say this? Good job guys :))

7 Replies
So whats the question?
Idk how to unban this bcs i do nothing bad
No one can help u if support alrdy said u can't be unbanned.
Im just get ban for no reason only what i ahve is Val. Tracker and riot evaluated like Third party program and cheats
where tf is justice
The developers do not remove the bans issued by the anti-cheat, this is a special process that takes a lot of time.
VAN 152 is a 4-month banned error, if you receive it for the first time, after 4 months you can create a new account.
But you can also discuss blocking with support, we leave the resources below.
The error code
Van 152
indicates a hardware ID ban. This ban typically lasts around 4 months. You can appeal and discuss your ban on the official support page by using the link below.
Submit a support ticket here: https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/requests/new