How do I update my drag & drop site?

Very very simple question, but I cannot find how to update/redeploy my site using the free plan of Cloudflare Pages. I used the drag & drop html css js but can't find a way to do it again to update the site. Thanks!
6 Replies
Chaika12mo ago
Navigate to your Pages Project and click Create New Deployment, it's above the list of deployments. You'll need to upload the entire site again though including your changes. If you want something easier, use the Git Integration/a Github repo Magic link to a new deployment:
KURAMAOP12mo ago
Yeah that's what I read but can't find the Create New Deployment button.. I'm not using Git because it's a small scale site Oh Will that link deploy a new site or update the old one? Nevermind it's for the old one, thanks! Still didn't find the button but this link will do haha
Chaika12mo ago
It'll create a new deployment for the existing Pages Project. If you pick production, it'll go straight to deployed on all your custom domains and the root url If you only have one pages project the magic links auto jump to it rather then letting you pick, which may be what's confusing you there
KURAMAOP12mo ago
Correct haha, thanks again
Chaika12mo ago
If you click on your Pages Project, you should be brought to the Deployments overall view, and above all the deployments there should be a nice button to create a new deployment
No description
KURAMAOP12mo ago
Ohhhh I was going in "Websites" rather than "Workers & Pages" lol, that's my bad Well perfect then! Thank you

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