VALORANT12mo ago

how to improve?

i want to know how to improve, can anyone help me? (B2 peak)
8 Replies
GhostOP12mo ago
Medal - ⭐️ Clip up to 4K 144 fps for free!
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SAYF12mo ago
b2 bronze am guessing. focus on ur mechanics clean those up practice up do ur aimlabs warm up and all of that look up videos on the internet ppl like wooj and dopai are good coaches fix ur mechanics till u get to like plat or gold or smth then u can focus on abilities and all of that.
GhostOP12mo ago
Alr thank you
Talonted Gamer
Talonted Gamer12mo ago
GhostOP12mo ago
i dont want coaching, just tips like i got
SAYF12mo ago
i saw the clip, honestly if ur taking gun fights like this in the actual games like comp games idk why you'd be stuck in bronze 1. try to focus on ur crosshair and I mean it watching the clip sometimes ur aiming at the ground for no reason and other times you're 1 tapping or just micro adjusting which is pretty good give it some of your focus and am sure you'll be fine 2.am not too sure about ur edpi(in game sens x(times, like multiplied by) dpi) but tbh ur not overflicking sometimes u struggle to adjust properly but that could be improved on general rule try to keep it between 190-320edpi thats perfect 3.learn how to transition this clip ur DMs into the actual game honestly speaking there is no reason for u to be in bronze if ur taking gunfights like this or atleast consistently to some percentage I didnt wanna write this as a bullet point but get a duo, should help a lot trust me. hope this all helps. yeah watched the last kill, ur micro adjusting needs work either practice or u need to change ur edpi (dpi and sens) u shouldnt have lost that
GhostOP12mo ago
My sens is 0.6 ( I tried everything from 1.4 to 0.2) and 800 dpi But thank you for your reaction, I will give it some focus
bruh12mo ago
u plays very nice

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