VALORANT12mo ago

My game loading takes so long!!

I can get 150 constant fps but the loading takes foreevr its only in valorant since my overwatch and genshin or honkai runs normally what can i do since i keep getting banned from going afk because of the loading
9 Replies
Jidat12mo ago
Is ur game on a hdd?
EmonOP12mo ago
is that the D drive? because yea all my games are on that drive
SAYF12mo ago
switch drives,worked for me. and I had t o ask for suppport for that switch drives if it works then good if not contact the support they'll tell u what to do they fixed my issues ❤️
Jidat12mo ago
EmonOP12mo ago
so do i just reinstall the game to my c drive from d?
Jason12mo ago
Yes, that will fix ur issue
EmonOP12mo ago
ok i will try that thanks
SAYF12mo ago
I think its best to do that simply moving it wont work but like also HARD DELETE any riot files (in my case i had to do that) for it to work some application called CC cleaner or smth was recommended by riot themselves for it
scientist0112mo ago
It sounds like you're stuck loading in the pre game screen, If thats the case. its not your computers fault, Its your teammate or somone from the other team who has the laggy pc. Sometimes Im alt tabbed and the game is taking a long time to load, But i tab back in and the game starts immediately. That might be happening to you or someone else in the game. You can type in the chat during the loading screen, Even tho you cant see the chat or your msg. When my game is taking a long time to load i type in chat to get the laggy guy to tab back in.

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