Personal abilities?

So what is Astra's personal ability?
5 Replies
sour~•12mo ago
You can read and visually view the abilities of all agents on this page >
VALORANT Agents: Astra, a Controller from Ghana
Ghanaian Agent Astra harnesses the energies of the cosmos to reshape battlefields to her whim.
Sorry for a late response, I am truly sick of not getting any notifications, but getting all notifications would be unbareable of course. Yes... Each character have their tree abilities and ult, what do you think I should call aside from "personal ability"... Pistachio-icecream? All I know is that being able to use smokes is an ability, but using it after death? If Clove gets that pistachio-icecream that lets her use an ability after death, then what icecreams do the rest get?
sour~•12mo ago
No agent other than Clove has such abilities.
All the abilities of the agents are fully described, if you carefully read the description of RUSE (E), you will see a description confirming the use of the Clove smoke after death.
Then hopefully she gets removed soon darn it... What's the point of killing her anyway? Not only can she revive herself but then smoke even without staying alive? So why the heck isn't Astra's ult two giant walls crossing all over the map? Or would that be too fair?
sour~•12mo ago
She can use her smoke in a smaller area than before her death, and also only near the place of her death. The new meta, it's like this << Each agent has its own interesting ability, they will develop over time, but the developers do not change the abilities of the old characters.

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