Valorant no longer opening
Van code error 1067
windows 10
have tried everything
starting vgc in services
updating windows/drivers
even resetting pc
16 Replies
Unfortunately, there is no direct solution to this error.
You can try to create a new windows account with administrator rights using only Latin characters without numbers and symbols.
I dont follow, what do you mean using latin symbols? is there any form of forum you can redirect me to for more information about this?
latin symbols = english
This may not help you or it may help after a few attempts.You can also provide all the necessary data so that the team can help you on the support site.
best option is val support
because its different for everybody its really hard to find a certain fix
I recommend looking for other people fixes and just trying them while waiting for support to respond

i have these msgs
i tried to refer to a similar one i found here but i dont know what to do for the 2nd one
nor if its relavant to the crash

there was also this

I think u can mess around with the properties of the vgc service and grant it admin
Otherwise it might have to do with the folder it’s in
Open cmd (Command Propmt) as admin and enter:
icacls "C:\Games\Riot Games\VALORANT" /grant Users:F /t /c
go to details under the VGC one and Send ss
one sol that helped People is Create New Admin local User and Play from itI tried it already, this is like my 3rd local admin user
found fix
