Valorant takes forever to load.
I have a good pc, and dont have problems with any other games. When I boot up the game it takes a long time and discord overlay freezes.
The moment I finally load up in the main menu and start a game it takes so long to get into the game that I am missing whole rounds and getting AFK warnings. I have tried a lot of online solutions but nothing seems to work.
21 Replies
This is an issue with files loading off of your disk. You might have a HDD. If you do, you should defragment it or get an SSD and place Valorant on it.
windows key + r
than type "dfrgui" to check what type of drive you have.
Learn how to defragment:
Solid State Drives (SSD) and Hard Disk Drives (HDD) are data storage devices. SSDs are usually much smaller, thinner, and offer more storage volume, speed, and efficiency compared to HDDs.
Hello I m Alex From Micrusolt Tech Support
how can i help you
Hello Alex from micrusolt tech support
I have a good pc, and dont have problems with any other games. When I boot up the game it takes a long time and discord overlay freezes.
The moment I finally load up in the main menu and start a game it takes so long to get into the game that I am missing whole rounds and getting AFK warnings. I have tried a lot of online solutions but nothing seems to work.
ok lol
so under the discord advance settings there is setting called HARDWARE Acceleration
disable that and try
also do you have any other overlay or recording apps [Includes XBOX]
It also happens without running discord
do you have HDD?
pc or laptop?
space left on C drive?
When did the issue start ?
Whats your Network Avg speed
windows 11 yes
yes 13GB
1660 ti
a couple months ago, i used to be able to play without any issues
500.4 mb
only 13 gb?
yeah i have a lot of shit on it
this one
did you try it?
i did it once and it didnt work, but im trying again but it takes very very long
it froze on 4% trying again rn
let it be dont interrupt it while it optimize cause it may cause problem
it will automatically fix it
also you need 30 ~ 50 Gb Free On C drive as game is 45 Gigs so atleast make it look blue like this

but why do I need the space if the game is on my D:
not arguing ofc haha just curious
cause it loads files and assets to temp folder while ANY app is running
{depends on requirement of app}
to C drive where OS is there
ahh okay didnt know that!
this is gonna take some ill let u know what happens when it finished
Sure ping me when it Completes
@Talonted Gamer okay so sadly it didnt work
i have the same problen as stormvw
and i got banned for 100 years because my game loads slow
i am not joking

@Talonted Gamer do you have any other possible fixes?