val freezing then crash issue
when i click like vandal skin gallery, it freezes for a few sec then crashes, but if i press esc before it loaded it would not crash sometimes. Sometimes if i launched the game and i was tabbed out it would also crash, also if i make rapid movements in the skin area like opening banners and unloaded stuff it would crash. In game i would also get freezes and sudden fps drops. But the fps is usually consistent at 160-200. I installed val on another drive so idk if this is causing this
25 Replies
set mode to windowed fullscreen
Free Space On Cdrive ?
do you have Overlay/recording software running with it ?
136 used space 86 free
i dont got
this is the crash msg

no internet issues
not na
are you able to go to lobby?
yes this is just a me issue
all my friends are fine

sometimes this shows up
Uninstall fail ? lol
hold on
i mean i can play sometimes without any issues
ok you get VAN errors only right ?
did you got any VAL errors?
ok 1 min
Open task manager
Then details
Close every valorant,riot client and vanguard related apps/services
Open control panel- Uninstall programs - Uninstall riot vanguard Open cmd as admin and type these commands:- 1: 2: Navigate to your
C drive
then -> program files
and find vanguard folder
and delete it.
Then open riot client and click update
Restart your pc after the update.yeah its not a vanguard thing
i already reinstalled it a couple times
uninstalled with this command ?
is your Firewall off?
hmm try with that
antivirus too
yeah doesnt work
That is actually van 1067