Least popular character in Valorant of each role..?

My two mains are Astra and Killjoy. as I was tired of the other controllers barely having any space to smoke and in that case no chance of smoking both areas both A and B unless they were standing in mid, I was told that Astra is the least popular controller otherwise. I have seen a bunch of players play Cypher when they try to defend and then Sage of course because she can heal and finally Chamber because he has a "less expensive Sheriff" or something likely. Then I got called out by some random teammate for picking Killjoy but instead started to top-frag with 21 kills as the one picking a fight with me was still below ten kills. All I want to ask now is: Does anyone know the least popular characters of duelist and initiator? 🤣 I seem to play better with the least popular ones.
in that case it would be, - Controller: Astra 1.5% pickrate - Initiator: Breach 2.2% pickrate - Sentinel: Killjoy 3.0% pickrate - Duelist: Yoru 4.1% pickrate...
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8 Replies
Seeing all of the initiators, I feel like every one of them seems quite popular... Perhaps Breach is it? 😅 As for duelists... That's a tough one. Reyna is clearly the most popular one. Phoenix is the typical starter so most likely not. Isn't Jett also a starter? Yoru, Raze and Neon all three seem to be on the lower part, but I really can't tell which one is on the bottom. 🤣
Arii•12mo ago
the least popular agents in every role for every game mode on all maps this act is the following: - Controller: Clove 0.5% pickrate (Astra 1.5% pickrate if you don't want to count clove being new) - Initiator: Breach 2.2% pickrate - Sentinel: Deadlock 2.3% pickrate - Duelist: Iso 3.7% pickrate
Mhm, when Clove isn't that new anymore then she'll be every controller's favourite with her revival-ability not to mention smoking after death? Deadlock is also very new. Everyone who have unlocked her plays the character constantly with their walls. Breach was my correct guess it seems. Iso... Got uploaded about the same day as Deadlock... I don't feel like I can possibly judge anything from that comment besides Breach. 💀
Arii•12mo ago
I mean I can exclude clove, deadlock and iso I guess
Thank you.
Arii•12mo ago
in that case it would be, - Controller: Astra 1.5% pickrate - Initiator: Breach 2.2% pickrate - Sentinel: Killjoy 3.0% pickrate - Duelist: Yoru 4.1% pickrate
Arii•12mo ago
killjoy is actually pretty surprising tbh
Alrighty, thank you.

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