Hard stuck

I am hard stuck in Iron and have a win rate from 30 Prozent And this Game makes me Crazy How can i get out
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32 Replies
tempβ€’12mo ago
crosshair placement or game sense in general
Rx-Joni-Xtx 🍍
Rx-Joni-Xtx 🍍OPβ€’12mo ago
How can i get better in crosshair placment?
tempβ€’12mo ago
pre aim angles or go in the range and tryto keep or crosshair steady on theyre head with strafe on
Rx-Joni-Xtx 🍍
Rx-Joni-Xtx 🍍OPβ€’12mo ago
Aim laps also helps? In aim laps i got about 100 Hours Play Time
tempβ€’12mo ago
sometimes help justgotta find the right playlist
Rx-Joni-Xtx 🍍
Rx-Joni-Xtx 🍍OPβ€’12mo ago
Thx man Do you have also some tipps for game sence Sorry for my Bad englisch
Ariiβ€’12mo ago
aimlabs and kovaaks should more be seen as warmup tools than real practice tools while they do technically improve aim, you'd have to have never touched a mouse before to have any crazy insane benefits in game from using them
Rx-Joni-Xtx 🍍
Rx-Joni-Xtx 🍍OPβ€’12mo ago
What is a practice Tool ?
Ariiβ€’12mo ago
any tool/software that is used to improve a skill
Rx-Joni-Xtx 🍍
Rx-Joni-Xtx 🍍OPβ€’12mo ago
This sure xD I mean do you Now a good tool for valo
Ariiβ€’12mo ago
yeah its called valorant play the game, watch others play the game and copy their playstyle, simple as that
Rx-Joni-Xtx 🍍
Rx-Joni-Xtx 🍍OPβ€’12mo ago
You mean play a lot
Ariiβ€’12mo ago
you don't even have to play a lot just play efficiently of course if you sit and play 14 hours of swift play a day and get 6 hours of sleep with a random sleeping time every day while you sit and eat pizza you won't improve get adequate sleep, watch people who are better than you and learn how they move/play then incorporate it into deathmatch and real matches
Rx-Joni-Xtx 🍍
Rx-Joni-Xtx 🍍OPβ€’12mo ago
I will try this, but I watch a lot of Valorant pros and tournaments
Ariiβ€’12mo ago
not tournaments, those don't apply to iron in the slightest they don't even apply to high radiant you want to watch vods of radiants playing your agent in ranked
Rx-Joni-Xtx 🍍
Rx-Joni-Xtx 🍍OPβ€’12mo ago
This I also watch
Ariiβ€’12mo ago
you say so but you aren't incorporatingit if you copied literally anyone you wouldn't be iron, trust me
Rx-Joni-Xtx 🍍
Rx-Joni-Xtx 🍍OPβ€’12mo ago
For example chefstrobel or KubaFPS Man I swear I watch a few of them
Ariiβ€’12mo ago
these guys both just play variety and aren't on any pro vod channels, this is not what I mean you want to watch people who play the agent you main, you can't play every champ in the game your tracker is also a total mess with random agents all over, you really need to stop playing random stuff on every map and focus on a single agent if you want to improve sending 3 games of you going positive doesn't change this fact at all until you accept you are in iron because of yourself and start practising you will keep yourself there which I assume you don't want
Rx-Joni-Xtx 🍍
Rx-Joni-Xtx 🍍OPβ€’12mo ago
Iron is very hard I like Reyna a lot but every round some one fast lock her When my team need a smoker I pick one And if they need a healer I pick a healer
Ariiβ€’12mo ago
no teamcomp will ever need a healer never go fill, ever its counterintuitive and teamcomp does not matter as much as you think it does even 5 duelists comps can win in any rank if you want to play reyna then just instalock reyna and stop caring have like a small backup in case someone else gets it then ig and just lock that, stop caring about what other people say in the game
Rx-Joni-Xtx 🍍
Rx-Joni-Xtx 🍍OPβ€’12mo ago
So you mean I should pick what I like to play and it don’t matter if there is enough of this Typ like 4 duelists and I pick the 5 one
Ariiβ€’12mo ago
yes pick an agent and stick to it idc if it absolutely sucks for the teamcomp or if its the worst character on that map a character that you know how to play well is 1000x better than a character you play once or twice an act for no reason
Rx-Joni-Xtx 🍍
Rx-Joni-Xtx 🍍OPβ€’12mo ago
I will try to instalock every round one of my favorite agents and will perform with them
Ariiβ€’12mo ago
try to keep it to one agent two at most https://www.youtube.com/@valorantdaily1976/videos https://www.youtube.com/@VALORANTProPlayerPOVs/videos go to either of these two channels and click the magnifying glass in there search for the agent name + the map
Rx-Joni-Xtx 🍍
Rx-Joni-Xtx 🍍OPβ€’12mo ago
One question do you sink it is better to play solo or with my friends who are silver/gold
Ariiβ€’12mo ago
so for example "ascent jett" then just watch the vods playing with friends 100% the comms are better and because they are a higher elo than you, you will get more rr per game
Rx-Joni-Xtx 🍍
Rx-Joni-Xtx 🍍OPβ€’12mo ago
I will try all of your tipps to come back
feckerβ€’12mo ago
Hella high hs rate for being the lowest rank πŸ’€ Don’t see anything wrong with tracker send vid
Rx-Joni-Xtx 🍍
Rx-Joni-Xtx 🍍OPβ€’12mo ago
What do you mean? Only the 3 Games i played yesterday Yea there is nothing wrong @Arii now i am out of Iron and in Broze, i played with 1 or 2 Friends in silver lobbys but I performed in this lobbys really well Next step is it to get silver
Ariiβ€’12mo ago
Congrats ❀️
Rx-Joni-Xtx 🍍
Rx-Joni-Xtx 🍍OPβ€’12mo ago

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