Val Not Working
I've had this pop up for the last 9 months and i'm finally getting sick of it. Ive contacted support and tried everything they said and still wont work. does anyone else have this problem?

60 Replies
Press win+r
Type msinfo32
Show ss

Restart ur pc and spam the F2 on ur keyboard to get into the bios. Use ur phone to chat here
Alright what I gotta do in my bios
Show photo of ur bios

Then show photo
Go to bios
Show photo
Not peripherals

Change CSM support to disabled
Then u will see secure boot option appear
Open it
And show photo

Set secure boot mode to custom
Then restore factory keys
It might ask u to exit without saving
Click no
Then save and exit
Show msinfo32 once u r in windows

Try opening the game
Still got the same pop up
What antivirus are u using?
Just the base windows virus and threat
Download autoruns from the Microsoft website
Just search autorun on ur browser
Alright, did that
Install it
Yup, did that
Then extracted
Show photo inside of the folder

Open autoruns
The one u have selected there
Alright, I was thinking that but didn’t want to open the wrong one
Click on file on the top left
Show photo

Click on file on the very top left
Then show photo
Also can u hurry up
I gtg

This? And yeah, my bad. My wifi is awful so it takes a minute for pictures to send

Left of that

Okay, mbmb

If I open it I just get the stuff I sent already
Run as administrator
Then try to launch again?
Show photo of ur screen

Uncheck everything thats yellow and red in color
Leave "vgc" checked
After u uncheck everything
Restart ur pc
If its not letting u uncheck something then leave it
Alright, I kindof just assumed that.
No need to save it btw
Just simply restart ur pc
Yup, did that
I’m back up and running
Try opening the game
Same pop up.
I’m not sure why it’s doing this to me lmao. Been like this for so long then I just had the urge to play.
Are u sure u disabled all those things in autoruns properly?
Yeah, should’ve, I can go back a look again tho
Y can also try disabling ur antivirus and firewall
If that doesn't work then wait for someone else to help u
Or i will be back in like 3 hours
Gotta get some sleep
Sounds good, everything is unchecked that’s coloured. But I’ll try disabling firewall
he might have not saved it
he said i didnt have to save it @Samuuuu!!
You do not need to save it
Click the update button multiple times
still didnt work
Disable antivirus
im still getting the same pop up.